Friday, November 2, 2007

And nobody heard me, not even the chair.

Sorry about not posting in a while. Not that anyone reads this. But I'm sorry nonetheless. I thought that I would actually keep a record of my life so far, but it's really hard to document all the nothing that goes on. I am surrounded by all my High school awards and such, and it makes me realize what a slacker I've become. I have less than a month until my LSAT and it just drains me. As much as I don't want to go to Law School, I REALLY don't want to go to a crappy law school. So, damned if I do, damned more if I don't. I realized that I hated who I was in high school, I just threw myself into my studies until I could escape to college. At college I did (mostly) what interested me, I didn't feel obligated to do anything, and I could comfortably mock those who clamored for useless student group leadership. I know grad school won't make up for my undergrad experience, and I don't even know what I'd study if I went to engineering grad school. The GRE is my next task after the LSAT. Maybe I could just hole up in some school in the west and study superconducting metals. And then I'll get a girlfriend. And a pony. And a leprechaun. Who already has life insurance.

I was so drained from my Saturday LSAT test that I went to sleep at 2 PM and missed a fetish ball, which would have been the only semi-exciting thing to do in florida other than Fatasy Fest in the Keys. Then, I had another class on Halloween itself that ran from 6-9:30. Exactly one trick or treater came by and my mother didn't know I put the candy in the fridge. So he didn't get anything. I was boring this halloween. I hate this place.

The only other thing that happened is that they opened an IKEA near Sawgrass mills. This is a BIG thing. I have seen Disney World exhibits less crowded. But instead, families are just milling about, noting how cheap and chic Swedish designed plywood is. It was so packed
I occasionally had trouble breathing. But it did make me start thinking about designing my apartment. And then I started to think about how I would move to the apartment, would I sleep on the floor when waiting for the furniture to come in, what is a lease agreement, are there any paints that don't have added chemicals. I don't need the Sims, I do this in my head well enough.

Have not been taking my medication lately. Largely because between the $1,200 kaplan prep class and the $200 iPod I bought my mom for her birthday, I am very low on cash and my new insurance doesn't cover medication. Thinking about donating some bodily fluid or another. Also, read recently that as illegal drugs in the 80's subsided, prescription drugs with the same effect grew phenomenally and had the same effect. THe happiest I've ever been as an adult was when I was on anti-depressants.

Thinking a lot about God too. No particular reason.

Goodnight. I have to do logic games tomorrow.

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